How many types of surfing suits are there?

How many types of surfing suits are there?

There are several types of surfing suits designed to provide protection and comfort in different water and weather conditions. The two main types of surfing suits are:


Fullsuits: Cover the entire body, including arms and legs. They are suitable for colder water temperatures and provide maximum insulation.

Spring suits/Shorties: Cover the torso and thighs, with short sleeves and legs. These are suitable for milder water temperatures.


Drysuits: Unlike wetsuits, drysuits are designed to keep the surfer completely dry by sealing out water. They are often used in very cold water conditions.

Apart from these main types, there are variations and specialized suits designed for specific purposes:


Provide protection against skin irritation caused by rubbing against the surfboard or wax. They are not designed for thermal insulation.

4.Top and Bottom Separates:

Some surfers prefer wearing separate tops and bottoms, allowing for more flexibility in choosing the level of insulation for different conditions.

5.Hooded Suits:

Wetsuits with attached hoods to provide additional warmth and protection for the head in cold water or windy conditions.

6.Booties, Gloves, and Hoods:

These accessories are often used in conjunction with wetsuits or drysuits to provide extra protection for the feet, hands, and head, respectively.

The choice of a surfing suit depends on factors such as water temperature, air temperature, wind conditions, and personal preferences. It’s essential to select the right type of suit for the specific conditions you’ll be surfing in to ensure comfort and safety.

How do I choose a surf suit?

Choosing the right surf suit is crucial for your comfort and safety in the water. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a surf suit:

Water Temperature:

Choose a suit that matches the water temperature of the location where you’ll be surfing. Wetsuits provide insulation, so the thickness of the neoprene should be appropriate for the conditions.

1.Thickness of Neoprene:

Wetsuit thickness is measured in millimeters (mm). Thicker suits provide more insulation. For example:2-3 mm: Suitable for warmer water conditions (18-24°C or 64-75°F).

4-5 mm: Suitable for cooler water (12-18°C or 54-64°F).

6 mm and above: For cold water and winter surfing (below 12°C or 54°F).

2.Style of Suit:

Fullsuit: Covers the entire body and is suitable for colder conditions.

Spring suit/Shortie: Covers the torso and thighs, suitable for milder conditions.

Consider a hooded suit for extra warmth in colder climates.


The suit should fit snugly but not be too tight, allowing for flexibility and freedom of movement. A well-fitted suit minimizes water flushing in and out of the suit

4.Zipper Style:

Back-zip, chest-zip, and zipperless are common styles. Chest-zip suits are known for better sealing and less flushing, while back-zip suits are easier to put on and take off.


Seams impact the suit’s flexibility and water resistance. Sealed and taped seams provide better insulation and durability.

6.Brand and Quality:

Choose reputable surf brands known for producing high-quality suits. A well-made suit will last longer and perform better in the water.


Consider additional accessories like booties, gloves, and hoods for extra protection in colder conditions.


Quality surf suits can be an investment. Consider your budget, but also prioritize functionality and durability.

9.Local Advice:

Seek advice from local surf shops or experienced surfers in the area. They can provide insights into the specific conditions and the most suitable surf suit for the location.

Remember that personal preferences play a role in the selection process. Try on different suits to find the one that feels comfortable and meets your specific needs for the conditions you’ll be surfing in.

Why do surfers always wear black wetsuits?

Surfers often choose black wetsuits for several reasons, but it’s important to note that not all surfers exclusively wear black wetsuits, and wetsuit color preferences can vary. However, black wetsuits are popular for the following reasons:

1.Absorption of Heat:

Black absorbs and retains heat more efficiently than lighter colors. When the sun shines on a black wetsuit, it helps to warm the surfer by absorbing sunlight and converting it into heat


Black is a highly visible color in the water, making it easier for surfers to spot each other in crowded lineups. This is particularly important for safety, as it helps prevent collisions between surfers.

3.Classic Look:

Black wetsuits have a classic and timeless appearance. Many surfers appreciate the sleek and simple aesthetic of a black suit.

4.Stain Resistance:

Black wetsuits may be less prone to showing stains and signs of wear compared to lighter colors. This can help maintain a clean and well-kept appearance.


Black is a versatile color that goes well with various surf gear and accessories, allowing surfers to mix and match their wetsuits with different rashguards, boots, gloves, and hoods.

While black is a popular choice, wetsuits do come in a variety of colors and patterns. Some surfers prefer brighter colors or unique designs to stand out in the lineup or express their personal style. Ultimately, the choice of wetsuit color is subjective and depends on individual preferences, practical considerations, and fashion preferences.

What color wetsuits attract sharks?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the color of a wetsuit significantly attracts sharks. Sharks are primarily attracted to their prey based on sensory cues like vibrations, electromagnetic fields, and scent, rather than visual stimuli like color. Sharks have a keen sense of smell and can detect the scent of blood or other prey from a considerable distance.

While some theories suggest that sharks may be more curious about contrasting colors, especially in conditions with limited visibility, it’s important to note that there is no consensus on this matter within the scientific community. Sharks are known to investigate their surroundings, and any unusual object in the water may catch their attention, regardless of its color.

If you are concerned about shark safety while surfing, here are some general tips:

1.Avoid Areas with Known Shark Activity:

Be aware of the local shark activity in the area where you plan to surf. Some regions are more prone to shark encounters than others.

2.Surf in Groups:

Sharks are less likely to approach a group of people, so surfing with others can enhance safety.

3.Time of Day:

Some studies suggest that sharks are more active during dawn and dusk. Avoiding these times may reduce the risk of encountering sharks.

4.Stay Informed:

Pay attention to any shark advisories or warnings issued by local authorities.Stay informed about recent shark sightings in the area.

5.Remove Attractive Items:

Avoid wearing shiny jewelry or bringing items that may resemble fish or prey.

Remember that shark encounters are rare, and millions of people safely enjoy ocean activities, including surfing, every year. If you have specific concerns about sharks in a particular area, it’s advisable to consult with local authorities or marine experts for guidance.

In General, we must pay more attention on the safety when do the surfing and diving, any other questions, welcome to discuss with us together. Please kindly remember that we are a manufacturer that produce water sports goods, just contact us if you have any needs.

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